
Aanbevolen literatuur:
'The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life' Volume 1 & 2, by Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN: 1-891824-17-1

NL vertaling: 'De Geometrie van de Schepping' Deel 1 & 2 door Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN: 90-76458-02-2 & ISBN: 90-76458-05-7

'Living in the Heart' -How to Enter the Sacred Space within the Heart- by Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN: 1-891824-43-0

NL vertaling: 'Leven in je Hart' ISBN10: 907767785 of ISBN13: 9789077677582

'Serpent of Light' - The movement of the Earth's Kundalini and The Rise of the Female Light 1949-2013 - by Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN 10: 1578634016 of ISBN 13: 9781578634019

NL vertaling: 'De Kundalini van de Aarde' door Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN: 9789077677438

'The Mayan Ouroboros' - The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle ~ The True Positive Mayan Prophesy is Revealed - by Drunvalo Melchizedek ISBN: 9781578635337

NL vertaling: 'De Maya Ouroboros' - De Kosmische Cycli zijn Voltooid ~ De Ware Positieve Maya-voorspelling is Onthuld ISBN: 9789077677575 

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